The following proposition is an answer to Problem 2, and is also an answer to Problem 3 for cyclic algebras over a "big""large" field.
Proposition. For every Severi-Brauer $K$-variety $Y$ arising from a cyclic $K$-algebra of rank $n^2$, there exists a unique $\text{Aut}(Y)$-orbit of the Hilbert $K$-scheme of $Y$ parameterizing nodal, elliptic normal curves whose (geometric) irreducible components are lines, and this component has a $K$-point parameterizing such a curve $X_0.$ If $K$ is a "big""large" field in the sense of Florian Pop, e.g., the fraction field of a Henselian DVR, then there are also smooth elliptic normal curves $X$ in $Y$ obtained as deformations of $X_0.$ If the period of the cyclic algebra equals $n$, then every curve in $Y$ has index divisible by $n$.
If the field $K$ is "ample" or "big""large" in the sense of Florian Pop, then there are $K$-points of $U$. QED
Proof of the Corollary By Hensel's Lemma, the fraction field of every Henselian DVR is "big""large". For a local field $K$ such as $\mathbb{Q}_p$ or $\mathbb{F}_p((t)),$ every period-$n$ element in the Brauer group $\text{Br}(K)\cong \mathbb{Q}/\mathbb{Z}$ is represented by a cyclic $K$-algebra of rank $n^2$ by the Brauer-Hasse-Noether-(Albert) Theorem and Hasse's Structure Theorem. By the proposition, there exist $K$-points of $U$ parameterizing smooth elliptic normal curves $X$ in $Y$. QED