I came across with this cool Recurrencerecurrence relation, anand unfortunately i couldn't find sufficient mathematical tools to form it to a closed formula. i read several posts from math overflow saying that any linear recurrence can be made to a closed formula, but doesn't it even dependsdepend on the way the 'right wing elements' are chosen?
$a_n = \sum_{i=1}^{i<=n}a_{n-i}$
$a_0 = 1$ $a_1 = 1$ $a_2 =2$
where the index I run only on powers of 2.
$$a_n = \sum_{\substack{1\le i\le n\\ \text{$i$ a power of 2}\\}}a_{n-i},\qquad
forFor example, the 7'th item by theterm of this recurrence relation is
$a_7 = a_6 + a_5 + a_3$
$$a_7 = a_6 + a_5 + a_3,$$
but the 16'th item is
$a_{16} = a_{15} + a_{14} + a_{12} + a_8 + a_0$
$$a_{16} = a_{15} + a_{14} + a_{12} + a_8 + a_0.$$
does thoseDo these kinds of relations can be solvedhave solutions by a closed formula as well?