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Oct 31, 2017 at 20:24 comment added PhoemueX @fedja: Of course :) Thank you very much! I also just found the following question which is related:
Oct 31, 2017 at 20:20 comment added fedja The easiest way is to show that a random set is not a multiplier. Indeed, otherwise we would have any sequence of $\pm 1$ a multiplier but the random choice of signs makes all $L^p$ norms equivalent (Khinchine) and we can easily go outside $L^2$.
Oct 31, 2017 at 19:01 comment added PhoemueX @fedja: Thanks, that's a great idea! I guess you want to use the "transference principle" between Fourier multipliers on $\Bbb{R}^n$ and $\Bbb{T}^n$ to conclude that we really do not get a Fourier multiplier. When I tried to formalize your idea, I came upon an embarrassing problem: At the moment, I am unable to show that there actually is some $A \subset \Bbb{Z}$ such that $1_A$ is not an $L^p$ Fourier multiplier on the torus :( Do you know any (easy) example of such a set? I might just be too tired at the moment and will have another try tomorrow...
Oct 31, 2017 at 15:57 comment added fedja Another obvious possibility is to take $n=1$, consider any sequence of integers $\Lambda\subset\mathbb Z$ whose characteristic function is not a multiplier in any $L^p(\mathbb T)$ and to define $A$ as the union of intervals around points in $\Lambda$ whose lengths decay fast enough.
Oct 30, 2017 at 7:49 comment added PhoemueX @ChristianRemling: Thanks very much for your comment. Up to now, I have not read his article - I only read the statement in books. I will have a look at the article.
Oct 28, 2017 at 20:40 comment added Christian Remling I would try to take a closer look at the $D$ from your second box. Fefferman's proof that $\chi_B$ is not a multiplier for any $p\not=2$ is fairly robust; he gets rid of $B$ right at the beginning. I think it should work for any set that can approximate half planes with any orientation when rescaled to a large size.
Oct 28, 2017 at 10:05 history asked PhoemueX CC BY-SA 3.0