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finding Finding a monochromatic cycle in clique

  1. what is the minimum n s.t$n$ such that in every 2$2$ - coloring of Kn$K_n$ there exist a monochromatic copy of Cm$C_m$ ?

  2. moreover, what is the minimum n s.t$n$ such that in every r$r$ - coloring of Kn$K_n$ there exist a monochromatic cycle?

I found that the answer to 1 is known, but I don't find it. - (page 24)

finding a monochromatic cycle in clique

  1. what is the minimum n s.t in every 2 - coloring of Kn there exist a monochromatic copy of Cm?

  2. moreover, what is the minimum n s.t in every r - coloring of Kn there exist a monochromatic cycle?

I found that the answer to 1 is known, but I don't find it. - (page 24)

Finding a monochromatic cycle in clique

  1. what is the minimum $n$ such that in every $2$ - coloring of $K_n$ there exist a monochromatic copy of $C_m$ ?

  2. moreover, what is the minimum $n$ such that in every $r$ - coloring of $K_n$ there exist a monochromatic cycle?

I found that the answer to 1 is known, but I don't find it. - (page 24)

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finding a monochromatic cycle in clique

  1. what is the minimum n s.t in every 2 - coloring of Kn there exist a monochromatic copy of Cm?

  2. moreover, what is the minimum n s.t in every r - coloring of Kn there exist a monochromatic cycle?

I found that the answer to 1 is known, but I don't find it. - (page 24)