Ian Morris has it essentially correct in his comment. If you solve the equation $x = (\sin \pi y/2)^2$ for $y$, then the orbit of $y \in \mathbb{R}/\mathbb{Z}$ under $y \mapsto 2y$ is dense if and only if $y$ is 2-normal. In other words, if every finite binary string appears in the binary expansion of $y$. If you look at the Now, this is weaker than being Wikipedia pagenormal in base 2 for normal numbers, it's clearbecause that there won't berequires that every binary string appears equally often, not just that it appears. Let's call such a simpler description thannumber "topologically 2-normal" (or 2-dense could be another name), because the 2-normality condition is equivalent to saying that the orbit of any proven example$y$ is not just dense, but ergodic. You My impression is that not much more is known about topologically normal numbers than about normal numbers. For instance, you can certainly conjecture that any reasonably simple choice of $x$ that makes $y$ irrational also makes $y$algebraic number is topologically normal in base 2-normal (or in any other base), but such numbers have generally not been proven to be normalit doesn't look like it is known. In any case, topological normality is the heart of the question.