So, why do we need this segment condition ? Firstly, it is important to note that a formal composition of the generators of an $n$-surface $S$ should respect the order $\triangleleft_S$ to compose the generators : if $x \prec_S y$, then $x$ needs to be "activated" before $y$, because something in the source of $y$ is produced by $x$. Secondly, in an free $\omega$-category without loops, if a generator $x$ of dimension $m$ can be inserted in a context $E[\_]$ of dimension $n<m$ such that $E[x]$ exists, then there exists a formal decomposition of $\partial^-_n E[x]$ in which the $n$-generators of $\partial^-_n x$ appear as a segment in the decomposition (see figure 17). So, with these two facts, if we want the pasting of an $m$-generator on a $n$-surface to be compatible with an $\omega$-categorical structure, we need to require that generators can only be pasted on segments of $n$-surface.