The very short answer is that you just replace hypercohomology with global de Rham cohomology of a D-module.
The short answer is to read Theorem 3.5 in Mirkovic-Vilonen (I am referring to the arXiv paper here) and use their definition of the functor $F$ via the weight functors $F_\nu$.
The longer answer is that you can phrase this construction in a slightly more geometric way. Suppose you choose in $G$ a Borel subgroup $B$ and denote by $T$ the quotient of $B$ by its unipotent part. Then the maps $B \to G$ and $B \to T$ induce maps on the affine grassmannians, giving a diagram $\operatorname{Gr}_G \xleftarrow{b} \operatorname{Gr}_B \xrightarrow{t} \operatorname{Gr}_T$$\operatorname{Gr}\_G \xleftarrow{b} \operatorname{Gr}\_B \xrightarrow{t} \operatorname{Gr}\_T$. Recall the structure of $\operatorname{Gr}_T \cong X_*(T)$ (at least, topologically and as a group), and let's call (as in the paper) $2\rho$ the sum of the positive roots of $G$ with respect to $B$. Then that Theorem 3.5 can be understood as saying that $t_* b^! \mathcal{F}[2\rho(\lambda)]$ is a vector space (inside the derived category of vector spaces) whenever $\mathcal{F}$ is a spherical perverse sheaf (or D-module) on $\operatorname{Gr}_G$.
That is, we can define $F(\mathcal{F})$ to be the vector space $t_* b^! \mathcal{F}[2\rho(\lambda)]$ on the component $\{\lambda\}$ of $\operatorname{Gr}_T$; it is a vector space graded by $X_*(T)$ and this gives a faithful exact tensor functor from spherical D-modules to $\mathbf{Rep}({}^L T)$ (thus, a little more specific than just a fiber functor).
You might want to read the notes (written by me) from February 16th and 23rd at this seminar page.