Write $$ Q(x)=m(m+1)\left[x-\frac{m-1}{m+1}\right]^2-2\frac{m-1}{m+1} $$ Note that $Q(x)\ge -2\frac{m-1}{m+1}$, so $[2u+u^2]Q(x)\ge -6\frac{m-1}{m+1}u$. Also put $x=\frac{m-1-t}{m+1}$ (clearly, we are in more trouble if we go left from the parabola vertex: the value of the quadratic form is the same as at the corresponding distance on the right but $u$ is smaller). Thus, it will suffice to ensure that $$ \left(\alpha-6\frac{m-1}{m+1}\right)\left[\frac{m-1-t}{m+1}\right]^m\ge (2-t^2)\frac{m-1}{m+1} $$ Hence, we can take $\alpha=\frac{m-1}{m+1}\left(6+\max_t (2-t^2)\left[\frac{m+1}{m-1-t} \right]^m\right)$. Now observe that the RHS is a decreasing function of $m$ for a fixed $t$. Indeed, the Taylor expansion of $\dfrac{ \log(1+\frac 1m)-\log(1-\frac{1+t}m)}{\frac 1m}$ in $\frac 1m$ has all the coefficients positive. Thus we can take $m=4$. This value is nice because the equation for the critical point becomes $\frac{2t}{1-t^2}=\frac 4{3-t}$$\frac{2t}{2-t^2}=\frac 4{3-t}$ and its root $t=1$ is obvious (of course, we should also check that it is the only positive root afterwards but it rewrites as $3t+t^2=4$). Plugging $t=1$ in, we get $[\frac 52]^4=\frac{625}{16}\le 40$. Thus we are always happy with $\alpha=46\frac {m-1}{m+1}$ units. The actual reserve is $4m^2-16m+10=4(m-4)m+10$. If $m\ge 6$, this is at least $58$, which is more than enough regardless of $m$. For $m=5$, we have $30$ and it looks like we need $30\frac 13$. However notice that if $u\ge\frac 12$, say, then $24u$ is already way above $2$, so we can safely assume that $u\le \frac 12$, which immediately frees up $8$ extra units in this case.