I'm studying the construction of the $\mathrm{Sing}$ functor in Morel-Voevodsky ``$\mathbb{A}^1$-homotopy theory of schemes'' and I was trying to understand the properties of its left adjoint, the realization functor.
To start with, let $\mathcal{C}$ be a site (with an interval, in the sense of M-V) and let $\mathsf{Sh}(\mathcal{C})$ (resp. $\mathsf{sSh}(\mathcal{C})$) be the category of sheaves (resp. simplicial sheaves) on $\mathcal{C}$.
The category of simplicial sheaves is enriched, tensored and cotensored over the category of sheaves in an obvious way. In particular, for a sheaf $F$ and a simplicial sheaf $X$ we can define the tensor product $F\otimes X$ of $F$ and $X$ as the product of the constant simplicial sheaf at $F$ with $X$.
Now, if $X$ is a simplicial sheaf and $D^\bullet$ is a cosimplicial simplicial sheaf, we define the tensor product $X\otimes_{\Delta^{\text{op}}} D^\bullet$ of $X$ and $D^\bullet$ (or realization of $X$ with respect to $D^\bullet$, denoted $|X|_{D^\bullet}$ in Morel-Voevodsky) as the coend of the functor:
\begin{align*} X\otimes D^\bullet \colon \Delta^{\text{op}}\times\Delta&\to \mathsf{sSh}(\mathcal{C})\\ ([n],[m])&\mapsto X_n\otimes D^m \end{align*}
This construction gives rise to a bifunctor:
$$\otimes_{\Delta^{\text{op}}}\colon \mathsf{sSh}(\mathcal{C})\times \mathsf{sSh}(\mathcal{C})^{\Delta}\to \mathsf{sSh}(\mathcal{C})$$
Now, Morel and Voevodsky define a cosimplicial simplicial sheaf $D^\bullet$ is said to be unaugmentable if the morphism $D^0\amalg D^0\to D^1$$(d^0,d^1)\colon D^0\amalg D^0\to D^1$ is a monomorphism. Equivalently, $D^\bullet$ is unaugmentable iff the equalizer of $d^0$ and they$d^1$ is empty. Those are the cofibrant objects in the Reedy model structure on $\mathsf{sSh}(\mathcal{C})$, for any injective model structure on simplicial sheave.
Morel and Voevodsky prove that a cosimplicial simplicial sheaf $D^\bullet$ is unaugmentable if and only if the functor $-\otimes_{\Delta^{\text{op}}}D^\bullet$ preserves monomorphisms. Moreover, for some specific unaugmentable $D^\bullet$ they show that the functor $-\otimes_{\Delta^{\text{op}}}D^\bullet$ also preserves $I$-local equivalences (where $I$ is an interval in the sense of M-V and we localize the local-injective model structure on simplicial sheaves with respect to the morphism $I\to *$).
On the other hand, in the book by Hirschhorn ``Model Categories and their Localizations'', Hirschhorn defines a cosimplicial simplicial set $K^\bullet$ to be unaugmentable if the equalizer of $d^0\colon K^0\to K^1$ and $d^1\colon K^0\to K^1$ is the empty cosimplicial simplicial set, and such cosimplicial simplicial sets are exactly the Reedy cofibrant ones. It's easy to see that if $K^\bullet$ is a cosimplicial simplicial set such that the map $K^0\amalg K^0\to K^1$ is a monomorphism, then $K^\bullet$ is unaugmentable in the sense by Hirschhorn, but the converse seems to be false to me. Now, question time:
Question 1: Is it true that every Reedy cofibrant cosimplicial simplicial set is unaugmentable in the sense of Voevodsky?
Now to relate my first question with the previous paragraph:
Question 2: Is the functor $\otimes_{\Delta^\text{op}}$ defined above a left Quillen bifunctor? Here, we put the $I$-local model structure on the category of simplicial sheaves (in particular cofibrations are monomorphisms) and we put the Reedy model structure on the category of cosimplicial objects in the $I$-local model category of simplicial sheaves (In particular cofibrant objects should beare unaugmentable cosimplicial simplicial sheaves in the sense of Voevodsky, if the answer to Question 1 is affirmative.).