The fixed distance between the endpoints is essential for the question, because otherwise a simple rescaling of an arbitrary curve would work.
Here are the promised details:
theThe algorithm, that motivated this question is essentially based on realizing, that no point of the curve can lie outside the ellipse centered at $\left(\frac{\alpha}{2},0\right)$, foci $p$ at $\left(0,0\right)$ and $q$ at $\left(\alpha,0\right)$, for which the length of the semi-major axis equals $\frac{1}{2}$ and, $\sqrt{\left(\frac{1}{2}\right)^2-\left(\frac{\alpha}{2}\right)^2}$ for the semi-minor axis.
If the intermediate curve-point $r$ is chosen from the boundary of that ellipse, then the "length-stock" is used up and the algorithm terminates with a curve consisting of two line-segments and exact length $1$, joining $p$ and $q$ as demanded.
$\text{expand}$(Point $p$, Point $q$, Length $\ell$, Curve curve)
$\quad$Point $r\in \lbrace x\in\mathbb{R}^n\ |\ \| r-p \| + \|q-r\|\ \le \ell\rbrace$;
$\quad$Length $\ell_{pr}$ := $\|r-p\|$;
$\quad$Length $\ell_{rq}$ := $\|q-r\|$;
$\quad$Length $\Delta\ell$ := $\ell-\left(\ell_{pr}+\ell_{rq}\right)$;
$\quad$Scalar $a\in\left[0,1\right]$
$\quad$if (a < threshold)
$\quad\quad\text{expand}$($p$,$\ r$,$\ \ell_{pr}$+$a$ * $\Delta\ell$);
$\quad$if ($1-a$ < threshold)
$\quad\quad\text{expand}$($r$,$\ q$,$\ \ell_{rq}$+(1-$a$) * $\Delta\ell$);
<br/ > Some remarks:Some remarks: