This is true, and in fact more has been shown in the recent preprint of Fang, Gao, and Smith. One can also give the following alternative argument based on ideas of Popa:
If $LH \subset LG$ is a MASA then it follows from the condition $ ( hgh^{-1} \ | \ h \in H ) = \infty$ for all $g \in G \setminus H$, that the normalizer of $H$ in $G$ is the same as the set of elements $g \in G$ such that $[H: H \cap gHg^{-1}] < \infty$. (This set is not in general closed under inversion but in this case it is since it coincides with the normalizer.)
Suppose we fix $g \in G$ such that $[H: H \cap gHg^{-1}] = \infty$ and let's show that $u_g$ is orthogonal to $\mathcal N_{LG}(LH)''$. Since $\mathcal N_{LG}(LH)''$ is spanned by $\mathcal N_{LG}(LH)$ it is enought to show that $u_g$ is orthogonal to this set and so let's fix $v \in \mathcal N_{LG}(LH)$.
Before we show that $u_g$ and $v$ are orthogonal let's rewrite the condition $[H: H \cap gHg^{-1}] = \infty$ in a more von Neumann algebraic friendly context which states that there are always "large" subalgebras of $LH$ which are almost moved orthogonal to $LH$. (Note that in the case that $H$ is free abelian the following lemma is trivial since subgroups then have complements.)
Lemma: For all $n \in \mathbb N, \delta > 0$ there exists a finite dimensional subalgebra $A_0 \subset LH$ such that if $p$ is any minimal projection in $A_0$ then $\tau(p) = 1/2^n$ and $| \langle x, u_g^* p u_g - \tau(p) \rangle | < \delta \|x \|_2$ for all $x \in LH$.
Proof. This essentially follows from Popa's intertwining techniques since the condition $[H: H \cap gHg^{-1}] = \infty$ translates in this context to $LH \not\prec_{LH} L(H \cap gHg^{-1})$ (See Popa's paper
Let's show this by induction on $n$. For the case when $n = 1$ consider the group $\mathcal G = ( u \in \mathcal U(LH) \ | \ u = 1 - 2p, p \in \mathcal P(LH), \tau(p) = 1/2 ) \cup (1)$. Since $\mathcal G$ generates $LH$ as a von Neumann algebra and since $LH \not\prec_{LH} L(H \cap gHg^{-1})$ it follows from Popa's intertwining Theorem that there exists a sequence $p_k \in \mathcal P(LH)$ with $\tau(p_k) = 1/2$ such that $\lim_{k \to \infty} \| E_{L(H \cap gHg^{-1})}(1 - 2p_k ) \|_2 = 0$ (see Popa, op. cit.). In particular, for some $k$ this is less than $2\delta$ and so if $x \in LH$, $\| x \|_2 < 1$ we have $| \langle x, u_g^*p_ku_g - \tau(p) \rangle | \leq \| E_{LH}(u_g^* p u_g - \tau(p) ) \|$ $_2 = \| E_{L(H \cap gHg^{-1})} (p_k - 1/2) \|_2 < \delta$. The same inequality holds for the other minimal projection $1 - p_k$.
Once we have produced such an $A_0$ for $1/2^n$ then given any minimal projection $p \in A_0$ we again have that $pLH \not\prec_{pLH} pL(H \cap gHg^*)$ and so the argument above shows that there exists $p_1$ and $p_2$ in $\mathcal P(LH)$ such that $p_1 + p_2 = p$, each has half the trace and $| \langle x, u_g^* p_j u_g - \tau(p_j) \rangle | < \delta$. This proves the induction step. QED
Now that we have established the above lemma, the fact that $u_g$ and $v$ are orthogonal follows from a lemma of Popa's in Let's give the proof here.
Let $\varepsilon > 0$ be given and take $n \in \mathbb N$ such that $1/2^n < \varepsilon/2$. From the above lemma let's consider a finite dimensional subalgebra $A_0 \subset LH$ such that if $p$ is any minimal projection in $A_0$ then $\tau(p) = 1/2^n$ and $| \langle x, u_g^*pu_g - \tau(p) \rangle | < \| x \|_2 \varepsilon/2^{n + 1}$. Let's denote the minimal projections in $A_0$ by $p_k$ where $1 \leq k \leq 2^n$. Denote by $B_0$ the commutant of $A_0$ in $LG$.
Since $v \in \mathcal N_{LG}(LH)$ we have that $vLHv^* = LH$, hence $v^* p_k v \in LH$ for each $k$. Therefore $| \langle v, u_g \rangle |^2 \leq \| E_{B_0} ( vu_g^*) \|_2^2$ $= \| $ $\Sigma_k$ $ p_k v u_g^* p_k \|_2^2 = \Sigma_k \langle v^* p_k v, u_g^* p_k u_g \rangle < (\Sigma_k \tau(p_k)^2 ) + \Sigma_k \varepsilon/2^{n + 1} < \varepsilon$.
Since $\varepsilon$ was arbitrary we conclude that $u_g$ and $v$ are orthogonal. Hence since $v$ was arbitrary we conclude that $\mathcal N_{LG}(LH)'' = L(\mathcal N_G(H))$.