SoTo summarize my understanding of this problem:
- Every admissible coloring of $\mathbb{Z}_+$ yields a tiling of $\mathbb{Q}_+$ by subsets of the form $T_a = \{a,2a,3a,\ldots,na\}$, and vice versa.
- There is a special interest in lattice tilings, in which the set of choices of $a$ is a subgroup of $\mathbb{Q}_+$ of index $n$. In particular, if $n+1$ or $2n+1$ is prime, then such a subgroup exists, and the quotient group is isomorphic to $\mathbb{Z}/n$.
- It is easy to make variations that do not tile $\mathbb{Q}_+$, for example multiples of $\{1,2,3,4,6,8,9\}$. However, these variations generally span abelian groups in $\mathbb{Q}_+$ of lower rank than the span of $\{1,2,3,\ldots,n\}$. For the stated question, the rank is $\pi(n)$, and we may as well work in the subgroup of $P_n$ of $\mathbb{Q}_+$ generated by the $\pi(n)$ primes up to $n$.
I thinkdecided to look at the problem this way: Among all $n^{\pi(n)}$ homomorphisms from $P_n$ to $\mathbb{Z}/n$, can we heuristically estimate the number that are a bijection when restricted to $\{1,2,\ldots,n\}$? Let's say that the questionrestriction of such a homomorphism is equivalentnot particularly more likely or less likely to tilingbe a bijection than a random function. The latter probability is $\mathbb{Z}^\infty$ by translates of$n!/n^n$, so we can expect roughly $A_n$$n!\cdot n^{\pi(n)-n}$ solutions. Finally We can now take a logarithm and apply Stirling's approximation and a sufficiently careful version of the prime number theorem, if there are $\pi(n)$ primes$\pi(n) \approx \text{Li}(n)$. The answer is that are at mostthere is plenty of entropy to have solutions; the predicted log of the number of solutions is roughly $n/(\ln n)$. This heuristic can be checked for small $n$. If the heuristic is reliable, you might as well tile $\mathbb{Z}^{\pi(n)}$ rather thanthen there should be solutions for all $\mathbb{Z}^\infty$$n$. I don't know how
It would be nice to do this in general (unlesshave an argumenteffective construction of such as Victor's works)a homomorphism for all $n$, but arguably this tiling problemmy impression is a clearer view of the original question. For instance, it seems possible that the tiling can be periodic withother answers so far don't find one tile in each period, and with quotient group $\mathbb{Z}/n$. This Note the last remark is a way to express the "linear coloring" trick in the statementVictor's answer: "I have a truly marvelous proof of the question. As discussed in the commentsthis proposition, but the margins of MO are too thin to contain it is possible when $n+1$ or $2n+1$ is prime."