Given an associative nonunital algebra $A$, there are (at least) two standard ways to produce a unital algebra $A'$ together with a map $A \to '$. The boring way is to simply add to $A$ a new element which you declare to be a unit$A \to A'$. The more interesting way is to notice that $A$ acts on itself (fromFollowing the right, say) and to considerdiscussion in the algebra of all $A$-linear endomorphisms of $A$.comments below, these are:
The (free) unitalization of $A$ is the unital algebra achieved by simply adding to $A$ a new element which you declare to be the unit.
The multiplier algebra of $A$ is the algebra of all $A$-linear endomorphism of $A$-as-a-right-$A$-module.
In C*-land, nonunital algebras are thought of noncompact spaces, the boring wayfree unitalization corresponds to the one-point compactification, and the interesting waymultiplier algebra to the Stone-Cech compactification. In addition to being more interesting, another reason to prefer the latter method isI remark that if $A$ happened to already havehas a unit, then passing to the latter unitalizationmultiplier algebra doesn't change $A$, whereas the formerfree unitalization does.
Pre-question: Do these operations have standard names? Not knowing any, I will call them the "boring" and "interesting" unitalizations.
There is a similar construction in categories. Suppose $C$ is a non-unital category (meaning it has an associative composition, but not necessarily identities morphisms). The boring unitalizationfree unitalization of $C$ is produced by adding to $C$ a new morphism for each object in $C$, declaring that morphism to be the identity on that object. The interesting unitalizationmultiplier category of $C$ is given by studying natural transformation as between the representable functors $\hom_C(-,c)$ for $c$ ranging over the objectin $C$s, and to declare that $C'$ is the category with objects $\mathrm{ob}(C)$ and morphisms $\hom_{C'}(c,c') = \text{natural transformations}(\hom_{C}(-,c), \hom_C(-,c'))$.
Main question: Have these unitalizations, and in particular the more interesting onemultiplier category, been studied for $\infty$-categories?
For example, I find myself in the following situation. I have a semisimplicial (no degeneracies) space satisfying the Segal condition. I think of it as a "nonunital $(\infty,1)$-category". The boringfree unitalization is just the output of freely creating degeneracy maps, thereby producing a complete Segal space. For my application, I want the interesting unitalizationmultiplier category (as Segal space, complete or not I can handle).