I suppose you can just randomly perturb the independent distribution. That is, let $$\mu(x_i,y_j)=\mu_x(x_i)\mu_y(y_j)+\epsilon_{i,j}$$ where the $\epsilon_{i,j}$ form a random matrix (sufficiently random), with the conditions that $$\sum_i\epsilon_{i,j}=0=\sum_{j}\epsilon_{i,j}\qquad \forall i,j$$ (all columns and rows add to 0), $$0\le \mu(x_i,y_j)\le 1\qquad \forall i,j$$ (entries $\epsilon_{i,j}$ are sufficiently small).
Not sure howIn theory you could pick these randomly with respect to carry that out but there is some literatureLebesgue measure on the set of all such as Barvinok: Matrices with prescribed row and column sumsmatrices.