I posted this on MSEon MSE, but no answer is received, so I post this here.
I quote from wiki:
The coarea formula can be applied to Lipschitz functions $u$ defined in $Ω ⊂ \mathbb R^n$, taking on values in $\mathbb R^k$ where $k < n$. In this case, the following identity holds $$\int_\Omega g(x) |J_k u(x)|\, dx = \int_{\mathbb{R}^k} \left(\int_{u^{-1}(t)}g(x)\,dH_{n-k}(x)\right)\,dt$$
where $J_ku$ is the $k$-dimensional Jacobian of $u$.
I know that if $Du$ has full rank, $|J_k u(x)|=\sqrt{\det DuDu^T}$. But when $Du$ does not have full rank, how is $|J_k u(x)|$ defined?