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Martin Sleziak
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A continuum $X$ is called minimal if it is not a single point and is homeomorphic to all its nontrivial subcontinua. Here a trivial continuum is a single point.

What is an example of a minimal continuum not homeomorphic to the interval?

This question is motivated by the following post and its related linked questions.

Two consecutive continuaTwo consecutive continua

A continuum $X$ is called minimal if it is not a single point and is homeomorphic to all its nontrivial subcontinua. Here a trivial continuum is a single point.

What is an example of a minimal continuum not homeomorphic to the interval?

This question is motivated by the following post and its related linked questions.

Two consecutive continua

A continuum $X$ is called minimal if it is not a single point and is homeomorphic to all its nontrivial subcontinua. Here a trivial continuum is a single point.

What is an example of a minimal continuum not homeomorphic to the interval?

This question is motivated by the following post and its related linked questions.

Two consecutive continua

continum +-> continuum; typo
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David Handelman
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A minimal continumcontinuum

A continumcontinuum $X$ is called minimalminimal if it is not a single point and is homeomrphichomeomorphic to all its nontrivial subcontinua. Here a trivial continumcontinuum is a single point.

What is an example of a minimal continumcontinuum not homeomorphic to the interval?

This question is motivated by the following post and its related linked questions.

Two consecutive continua

A minimal continum

A continum $X$ is called minimal if it is not a single point and is homeomrphic to all its nontrivial subcontinua. Here a trivial continum is a single point.

What is an example of a minimal continum not homeomorphic to the interval?

This question is motivated by the following post and its related linked questions.

Two consecutive continua

A minimal continuum

A continuum $X$ is called minimal if it is not a single point and is homeomorphic to all its nontrivial subcontinua. Here a trivial continuum is a single point.

What is an example of a minimal continuum not homeomorphic to the interval?

This question is motivated by the following post and its related linked questions.

Two consecutive continua

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Ali Taghavi
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