Based on the comments, I think it's worth clarifying some points about the Ackermann interpretation.
The Ackermann interpretation is This is really a comment, but it's too long:definable: it is a formula $\varphi(x, y)$, and - given a model $M\models PA$ - it gives us an interpreted structure $Ack(M)=(M, \varphi^M)$. This is true regardless of what $M$ is.
I'm not entirely sure what you're askingNow, but I think theresome facts about $\varphi$ are provable in $PA$, and these facts in turn tell us things about the theory of the structure $Ack(M)$ associated to a model of $PA$. For example, $PA$ proves $$\forall x_1, x_2[\forall y[\varphi(y, x_1)\iff\varphi(y, x_2)]\iff x_1=x_2],$$ and this tells us that $Ack(M)$ satisfies extensionality. In fact, every axiom of $ZF-Inf+\neg Inf$ (call that theory "$T$" for simplicity), when appropriately phrased in terms of "$\varphi$" in place of "$\in$", is a provable sentence of $PA$ (this takes work); so if $M\models PA$, we will always have $Ack(M)\models T$.
In particular, this means we can never "get $\omega$" from the Ackermann interpretation of a model of $PA$. This can in fact be proved pretty easily: show that if $Ack(M)$ thinks $n$ is $\omega$, then $M$ thinks $n$ defines a proper cut in $M$, and this is impossible if $M\models PA$.
This should also help explain how Parikh's phenomenon is irrelevant here: the Ackermann interpretation leans on a specific formula, whereas Parikh shows that undefinable functions with certain properties can exist in some models.
Now let me say some things about definability/undefinability. There are a couple things worth pointing out:
In terms of what a model $M$ "knows" about a structure Ackermann-coded into onethe substructure of its subsets $A$$Ack(M)$ corresponding to a subset $A\subseteq M$, note that this question best makes sense if $M$ knows about $A$ to begin with. But most of the time, the $A$s we'll be interested in won't be definable in $M$: indeed, no model $W$ of ZF can be Ackermann-coded into any nonstandard model $M$ of PA in a definable way (since such an encoding would give evidence in $M$ of the non-standardness of whatever element of $M$ is coding the $\omega$ of $W$). So you have to be very careful when you ask "What does $M$ know?" about such a situation - what exactly do you mean, given that the most basic information about such a configuration will generally be undefinable in $M$?
In terms of Parikh's model, let me recap what I think you're overestimating its relevance to Ackermann codingsaid above in more detail. Any model of PA has a unique definable map satisfying the recursive properties of exponentiation. (Indeed, PA proves "there is a unique exponentiation function" in the following sense: PA proves "for all $n$, there is a unique map from $\{0, 1, . . . , n\}^2$ to $\mathbb{N}$ which satisfies [recursive properties]". Note that such a map is a finite object, so can be talked about directly in PA, even though the whole exponentiation map can't.) Ackermann coding works with respect to this definable map. Parikh showed that we can have undefinable maps that also satisfy the properties of exponentiation. But these maps aren't relevant to Ackermann coding.