[Edit: In the answer by J.H.S.In the answer by J.H.S., and due to Bateman, is the slickest argument I have seen, so let me put it here. The idea is to look at the coefficient of $1/p^{2s}$ in the Dirichlet series for $H(s)$. By multiplying out the $p$-part of the Euler product, the coefficient of $1/p^s$ is $2 + \chi(p) + \overline{\chi}(p)$, which is nonnegative, but the coefficient of $1/p^{2s}$ is $(\chi(p) + \overline{\chi}(p) + 1)^2 + 1$, which is not only nonnegative but in fact is greater than or equal to 1. Therefore if $H(s)$ has an analytic continuation along the real line out to the number $\sigma$, then for real $s \geq \sigma$ we have $H(s) \geq \sum_{p} 1/p^{2s}$. The hypothesis that $L(1,\chi) = 0$ makes $H(s)$ analytic for all complex numbers with positive real part, so we can take $s = 1/2$ and get $H(1/2) \geq \sum_{p} 1/p$, which is absurd since that series over the primes diverges. QED!]