In the thesis "Topology of Function Spaces" by Andrew Marsh (Galway, 2000) it is claimed (page 23, before Definition 30) that the space $C(\omega_1)$ is Lindelöf with respect to the compact open topology. For a proof the reader is refered to
S.P. Gul'ko. On properties of $\sigma$-products. Soviet Math. Dokl. 18, 6 1977.
I searched a while on the net but I could not find another reference to this paper - it seems there is a paper by Gul'ko named "On properties of subsets of $\Sigma$-products" but I do not know wether that is the same paper or how to obtain access to the latter paper.
I wanted to ask Andrew Marsh but I could not find a way to address him (plus there seem to be more people of that name).
Furthermore, I could not find any other source for that claim.
So, my question is:
- Can you give me a reference (or a proof if it fits on one page) for the fact that $C_k(\omega_1)$ is Lindelöf? It does not need to be the Gul'ko paper above but if you manage to find it and it really contains the proof, that is of course also very fine.
- Bonus question (not really part of the question but it would be even nicer): Is it known if $C_k(\omega_1) $ is $k$-Lindelöf in the sense of my last question (see Lindelöf Property for Open Covers for Compact SetsLindelöf Property for Open Covers for Compact Sets), i.e. does every open $k$-cover admit a countable $k$-subcover? (a $k$-cover is a cover such that every compact subset is contained in one of the members of the cover).