I would like to suggest mesuggestions for some good books on (Complex) Algebraic Curves.
I am searching a book for Undergraduate-BegginerBeginner Level in this part of mathematics, the: algebraic curves. I found some books like "Plane Algebraic Curves" from Gerd Fischer, "Complex Algebraic Curves" from Frances Kirwan, "Elementary Geometry of Algebraic Curves: An Undergraduate Introduction" from Gibson but these were too difficult for my level.
Also, please suggest my a book (or combine chapters of books or notes), which covers the following topics:
Plane Curves; The set of points $V(f)$ of a plane curve, Transformations in $\mathbb{C}^2$, Conics, Intersection number, Isolated (abnormal) points, tangent lines, rational curves
Intersection Of Curves; The projective space, Lines in projective space, Projective transformations, Εquivalence of projective curves, Intersection number, Irregular poits, Tangent Lines, Flex points, Rational Projective Curves
Linear Systems of Curves; Intersection Points, Bézout's theorem
Thanks in advance.