Edit. Here are the details. Let $SL_{\pm}(n,R)$ denote the subgroup of $GL(n,R)$ consisting to matrices with determinant $\pm 1$. This subgroup projects onto $PGL(n,R)$.
Definition. An element $g\in SL(n,R)$$g\in SL_\pm(n,R)$ is a transvection if it is diagonalizable with real positive eigenvalues. A transvection is nontrivial if it is different from the identity matrix.
Examples of transvections used in the proof will come from the following. Let $sl(n,R)= so(n) \oplus {\mathfrak p}$$sl(n,R)= o(n) \oplus {\mathfrak p}$ be the Cartan decomposition of the Lie algebra of $SL(n,R)$$SL_{\pm}(n,R)$; the subspace ${\mathfrak p}$ consists of traceless symmetric matrices. Then $exp({\mathfrak p})$ consists of transactions. (Actually, every transvection is conjugate to one of these.)
Proposition. If $G< SL(n,R)$$G< SL_\pm(n,R)$ is a closed subgroup strictly containing $SO(n)$$O(n)$ then $G$ contains a nontrivial transvection. (Working more one can show that $G=SL(n,R)$$G=SL_\pm(n,R)$ but I will not need this.)
Lemma. $SO(n)$$O(n)$ preserves unique up to scalar multiple positive definite quadratic form, namely the form $q_0$ with the identity Gramm matrix.
Corollary. The normalizer of $SO(n)$$O(n)$ in $SL(n,R)$$SL_\pm(n,R)$ equals $SO(n)$$O(n)$.
Proof. If $g\in SL(n,R)$$g\in SL_\pm(n,R)$ normalizes $SO(n)$$O(n)$, it sends $q_0$ to an $SO(n)$$O(n)$-invariant quadratic form, hence, $g^*(q_0)=q_0$, hence $g\in SO(n)$$g\in O(n)$. qed
Let $g\in G - SO(n)$$g\in G - O(n)$. Then $g SO(n) g^{-1}\ne SO(n)$$g O(n) g^{-1}\ne O(n)$ and is contained in $G$. The subset $g SO(n) g^{-1}$$g O(n) g^{-1}$is connected and passes through $1\in G$. Hence, the identity component of $1$ in $G$ is strictly larger than $SO(n)$. Since $G$ is a closed subgroup of $SL(n,R)$$SL_\pm(n,R)$, it is a Lie subgroup (by Chevaliey’s theorem). Thus, the Lie algebra ${\mathfrak g}$ of $G$ is strictly larger than $so(n)$$o(n)$, hence, it has nonzero intersection with ${\mathfrak p}$. Taking a nonzero element $\xi$ of this intersection, $\exp(\xi)\in G$ is a nontrivial transvection. qed
We conclude that $SO(n)$$O(n)$ is the maximal subgroup of $SL(n,R)$$SL_\pm(n,R)$ which sends midpoint to midpoints in $RP^{n-1}$.