In misere tic tac toe on a 3x3 board with each player being x the secondfirst player will win. If thethe first player doesn'twill play the center square(2,2) then WLOG the second player will play (1,1) player canor (4-i2,4-j3) then if the second player has played (1,..1) the first will play (2,3). And if the second player has played (2,3) the first will play (1,1). Now there are four squares in response to anywhich the second player can move without losing: (1,2),(1,3),(3,2) and (i3,j1) of. If the firstsecond player and plays (1,2) the first player will be forced toplays (3,1) and on the next move the second player must form a line of three and the first player wins. If the firstsecond player plays to(3,1) the center square thenfirst player plays (1,2) and on the next move secondthe second player can play to the center of onemust form a line of three and the rows or columnsfirst player wins. Then there will be four squares left that theIf the second player plays (1,3) the first player canplays (3,2) and on the next move to without forming the second player must form a line with two x'sof three and losingthe first player wins. But whatever this move is it leave exactly one square left forIf the second player to move toplays (3,2) the first player plays (1,2) and after that move is made every remainingon the next move by the firstthe second player will result inmust form a line with two spots filled with x's thatof three and the secondfirst player can fill in and win wins. So But this exhausts all cases so the secondfirst player willmust win in this game.