It might seem plausible that the answer to your question could be: for the even n. (At least this is true for all $n$ up to 1401000. This can be checked by finding the Hamiltonian cycles with backtracking). For a random graph with $O(n\log n)$ edges, the probability to contain a Hamiltonian cycle tends to $1$. If the edges you prescribe behave randomly for even $n$ and there are more of them, then the result seems plausible.
On the other hand, the edges might not behave randomly; in fact for $n=142$ and $n=146$ I couldn't find a cycle, and also no certificate that such a cycle does not exist. For $n\in\{144,148,150,152,154\}$ I could again find cycles. (This might just be my computer taking long on these instances...)
For larger $n$ such picture are less useful. For example for here is a picture for $n=100$.