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Apr 30, 2016 at 7:56 comment added sabrebooth Thank you for the counter-example, this is enlightening. However, it turns out that if you also ask the scheme $X$ to be separated, then it has to be quasi-affine. Actually, any normal variety with a trivial class group is a quasi-affine variety. This can be seen for instance by using the notion of ample family of line bundles. A normal variety with trivial class group always has such an ample family which turns out to be a singleton (since the Picard group is trivial), and thus the structure sheaf itself is ample, which is equivalent to being quasi-affine.
Apr 30, 2016 at 7:46 vote accept sabrebooth
Apr 29, 2016 at 16:28 history edited Takumi Murayama CC BY-SA 3.0
Apr 29, 2016 at 15:28 history answered Takumi Murayama CC BY-SA 3.0