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Any Is there a closed form expression for $ E$E(X e^{-\mu \sqrt{X}})$, where $X\sim Poisson(\lambda)$ and $\mu >0$?
AnyIs there any closed form expression for $ E(X e^{- \mu \sqrt{X}})$$E(X e^{- \mu \sqrt{X}})$, where $X\sim Poisson(\lambda)$ and $\mu >0$? If not, is there any tight upper bound for this quantity? Any idea how to proceed?
Any closed form expression for $ E(X e^{-\mu \sqrt{X}})$, where $X\sim Poisson(\lambda)$ and $\mu >0$?
Any closed form expression for $ E(X e^{- \mu \sqrt{X}})$, where $X\sim Poisson(\lambda)$ and $\mu >0$? If not, any tight upper bound for this quantity? Any idea how to proceed?
Is there a closed form expression for $E(X e^{-\mu \sqrt{X}})$, where $X\sim Poisson(\lambda)$ and $\mu >0$?
Is there any closed form expression for $E(X e^{- \mu \sqrt{X}})$, where $X\sim Poisson(\lambda)$ and $\mu >0$? If not, is there any tight upper bound for this quantity? Any idea how to proceed?
Any closed form expression for $ E(X e^{-\mu \sqrt{X}})$, where $X\sim Poisson(\lambda)$ and $\mu >0$?
Any closed form expression for $ E(X e^{- \mu \sqrt{X}})$, where $X\sim Poisson(\lambda)$ and $\mu >0$? If not, any tight upper bound for this quantity? Any idea how to proceed?