As remarked by Sebastian Goette and ACL, a matrix $M\in K^{n\times n}$ acts on the left on the space of columns $K^{n\times 1}$ (considered as a right $K$-vector space), defining then an element of $\mathrm{End}_K(K^{n\times 1})$, this correspondence is an isomorphism and allows to speak of $ker(M)$ and $Im(M)$ which will be denoted $rker(M)$ and $rIm(M)$ (to express that isit is devoted to the right vector space structures).
Duchamp Gérard H. E.
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Duchamp Gérard H. E.
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Duchamp Gérard H. E.
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Duchamp Gérard H. E.
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Duchamp Gérard H. E.
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Duchamp Gérard H. E.
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