- simplicial sets,
- CW-complexes (Serre fibrations),
- topological spaces (Hurewicz fibrations),
- simplicial objects in other categories, like abelian groups, rings, etc,
- diagrams of simplicial sets, especially,
- cosimplicial simplicial sets, and
- presheaves of simplicial sets,
- quasi-categories (a category whose objects are a special type of simplicial set),
- the category of small categories (see Thomason),
- A^1A1-homotopy invariant Nisnevich presheaves with transfers. It is important to emphasize that these categories often carry several different model structures giving non-equivalent homotopy categories. Another point is that most of these are in some sense built out of simplicial sets. Grothendieck in letters (to Brown?) suggested the idea of a test category, categories which could play the same role as the category Delta. In addition these may come with extra structure. I believe this is the case for cubical objects and similar constructions.
It is important to emphasize that these categories often carry several different model structures giving non-equivalent homotopy categories. Another point is that most of these are in some sense built out of simplicial sets. Grothendieck in letters (to Brown?) suggested the idea of a test category, categories which could play the same role as the category Delta. In addition these may come with extra structure. I believe this is the case for cubical objects and similar constructions.
There are also two common operations to do on such model categories: localization and stabilization. The first produces a new model structure on a fixed model category, while the second produces a new category with a model structure.
The idea of localization is to allow us to make certain types of morphisms into isomorphisms in the homotopy category. For instance, in the category of simplicial sets, we may want to consider p-local equivalence. There is a model category structure on simplicial sets such that X->YX -> Y
is an isomorphism in the homotopy category if and only if it induces an isomorphism on p-localized homotopy groups. Here, p-localized usually means p-adic. This was first systematically laid out in the book Homotopy limits, completions, and localizations by Bousfield and Kan. A modern account is in Hirschhorn's book Model categories and their localizations.