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Liviu Nicolaescu
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The space of Fredholm operators classifies $K$-theory. Thus, any continuous family of elliptic operators $(D_x)_{x\in X}$ canonically defines an element in the Abelian group $K(X)$. When $X$ consists of a single point $x_0$, then one can canonically identify $K(\{x_0\})$ with the group of integers.

The space of Fredholm operators classifies $K$-theory. Thus, any continuous family of elliptic operators $(D_x)_{x\in X}$ canonically defines an element in the Abelian group $K(X)$. When $X$ consists of a single point, then one can canonically identify $K(\{x_0\})$ with the group of integers.

The space of Fredholm operators classifies $K$-theory. Thus, any continuous family of elliptic operators $(D_x)_{x\in X}$ canonically defines an element in the Abelian group $K(X)$. When $X$ consists of a single point $x_0$, then one can canonically identify $K(\{x_0\})$ with the group of integers.

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Liviu Nicolaescu
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The space of Fredholm operators classifies $K$-theory. Thus, any continuous family of elliptic operators $(D_x)_{x\in X}$ canonically defines an element in the Abelian group $K(X)$. When $X$ consists of a singglesingle point, then one can canonically identify $K(\{x_0\})$ with the group of integers.

The space of Fredholm operators classifies $K$-theory. Thus, any continuous family of elliptic operators $(D_x)_{x\in X}$ canonically defines an element in the Abelian group $K(X)$. When $X$ consists of a singgle point, then one can canonically identify $K(\{x_0\})$ with the group of integers.

The space of Fredholm operators classifies $K$-theory. Thus, any continuous family of elliptic operators $(D_x)_{x\in X}$ canonically defines an element in the Abelian group $K(X)$. When $X$ consists of a single point, then one can canonically identify $K(\{x_0\})$ with the group of integers.

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Liviu Nicolaescu
  • 34.7k
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  • 165

The space of Fredholm operators classifies $K$-theory. Thus, any continuous family of elliptic operators $(D_x)_{x\in X}$ canonically defines an element in the Abelian group $K(X)$. When $X$ consists of a singgle point, then one can canonically identify $K(\{x_0\})$ with the group of integers.