FINAL EDIT (912/57/1516)
By combining my answerI've found elementary but apparently mysterious answers to the initial recursion with the results of my arXiv note 1508.07523 I can show the following: Let K consist of those modfirst 2 modular forms of level Gamma_0 (3) that are killed by the maps f-->U_2(f) and fquestions-->f+U_3(f). When one completes the shallow Hecke algebra acting on K at the maximal ideal generated by the T_p with p> 3, one gets a power series ring in T_7 and T_13.
My answer to the variation on a theme question should lead to a similar result in level Gamma_0 (5), but I'd first need level 5 analogs to the results of the arXiv note, and this may not be entirely straightforward.
Despite the lack of response tosee my answers (I don't think I'd have found the2 answers if I hadn't posted the questions here) I find them elegant. Since no elementary answers have been foundThe arguments are similar, and in view of 1. , I'll randomly accept my firstthe level 3 answer.
I think I can answer the characteristic 3 questions too. But to avoid accusations of self-abuse I'll refrain. And though I find the question on Jordan blocks very interesting (and similar questions attached to the other recursions should also be interesting), the thread has become long and so I've deleted that question.