Fix a set $S$ and let $f: \mathcal P(S) \rightharpoonup \mathbf R$ be a real-valued partial function on the power set of $S$; denote by $D$ the domain of $f$. We say that $f$ has:
(i) the weak Darboux property if $\emptyset \in D$ and for every $X \subseteq S$$X \in D$ and $a
\in [f(\emptyset),f(X)]$ there exists $A \in {\rm dom}(f)$ contained in $X$$A \in D$ such that $A \subseteq X$ and $f(A) = a$;
(ii) the (strong) Darboux property if for all $X, Y \subseteq S$$X, Y \in D$
with $X \subseteq Y$ and every $a \in [f(X),f(Y)]$ there exists a set $A \in {\rm dom}(f)$ containing $Y$ and contained in $X$ $A \in D$ such that $X \subseteq A \subseteq Y$ and $f(A) = a$.
Some authors, either in the area of measure theory, see, e.g., [4, Chapter V, Section 46.I, Corollary 3${}^\prime$] and [2, Chapter I, Section 2.9, Definition 4], or in connection to the study of densities"densities", say, in additive and probablistic number theory, see, e.g., [6, Section 2], [5, p. 217], and [3], refer to (i), and not to (ii), as the Darboux property (note that [6] points to [2] and, [5] points to [4] as a source for the terminology, and [3] points to [5] as a source for the terminology), but that does not sound very fit to me, as (ii) is arguably closer than (i) to the spirit of the intermediate value property of real-valued functions of one real variable, so let me stick to my own definitions above.
Q1. I could not find any occurence of (ii) either in the literature on (finitely or countably additive, signed or unsigned, bounded or unbounded) measures, or in the literature on "densities" (as interpreted, say, in additive and probabilistic number theory)densities. Do you have any pointer to suggest?
In principle, I'm more interested in densities than in measures, but still... And my second question (which partially overlaps with Q1) is: