Take a complex nilpotent or solvable group $G$ with the right action by a co-compact lattice $\Gamma$ and conisder the quotient $G/\Gamma$. On this quotient right-invariant $1$-forms give a subspace of $H^{1,0}$. The group $G$ is acting on $G/\Gamma$ on the left and if it would presrve all the $1$-forms, $G$ would be abelian.
Torsten Ekedahl expained that what is following IS NOT CORRECT (the article of Hasegawa tells something different)
In fact, the simplest example of this kind is given by primary Kodaira surfaces (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kodaira_surface), they have two holomorphic $1$-forms. These surfaces are described as quotinets of sovlable groups, for example, in an article of Keizo Hasegawa http://arxiv.org/PS_cache/math/pdf/0401/0401413v1.pdf