Take the familiar Universal Coefficient Theorem for ordinary homology with $\mathbb{Z}$-coefficients and ordinary cohomology with coefficients in some abelian group $A$:$$0\rightarrow \text{Ext}_\mathbb{Z}^1(H_{i-1}(X;\mathbb{Z}),A)\rightarrow H^i(X;A)\rightarrow \text{Hom}_\mathbb{Z}(H_i(X;\mathbb{Z}),A)\rightarrow 0$$This exact sequence can be rewritten in the language of topological spectra:$$0\rightarrow\text{ext}_{H\mathbb{Z}}^1([\Sigma^{i-1}S,H\mathbb{Z}\wedge X],HA)\rightarrow [X,\Sigma^iHA]\rightarrow [[\Sigma^iS,H\mathbb{Z}\wedge X],HA]\rightarrow 0$$where $[-,-]$ denotes the internal hom $\text{hom}_{H\mathbb{Z}}(-,-)$ of $H\mathbb{Z}$-module spectra. (I am confused about some basic points [see my questionmy question], but I presume that $\text{ext}$ makes sense in this context.)
How can one generalize this sequence to generalized (co)homology theories? One guess is to replace $H\mathbb{Z}$ with some commutative ring spectrum $E$ and $HA$ with an $E$-module spectrum $F$. I imagine this guess is far too ambitious and a more conservative theorem is the correct generalization.