- The universe size $d = O(\ell)$.
- There are $\ell^2$ sets in the design, $S_1, \dots, S_{\ell^2} \subseteq [d]$.
- $(\forall i \in [\ell^2])\ |S_i| = \ell$.
- For every $t+1 \in [\ell^2]$, there exist $2$ disjoint subsets of $S_{t+1}$: $F_1, F_2$ (these are "forbidden" subsets), such that:
- The universe size $d = O(\ell)$.
- There are $\ell^2$ sets in the design, $S_1, \dots, S_{\ell^2} \subseteq [d]$.
- $(\forall i \in [\ell^2])\ |S_i| = \ell$$|F_1|, |F_2| \ge \beta \cdot \ell$.
- For every $t+1 \in [\ell^2]$, there exist$S_1, \dots, S_t$ can be divided into $2$ consecutive chunks, disjoint subsets of$S_1, \dots, S_{i}$; $S_{t+1}$:$S_{i+1}, \dots, S_t$ such that for chunk $F_1, F_2$$j \in [2]$, its intersection with (these are "forbidden" subsets)$F_j$ is empty. In other words, such that:
- $|F_1|, |F_2| \ge \beta \cdot \ell$.
- $S_1, \dots, S_t$ can be divided into $2$ consecutive chunks, $S_1, \dots, S_{i}$; $S_{i+1}, \dots, S_t$ such that for chunk $j \in [2]$, its intersection with $F_j$ is empty. In other words, for the first chunk,
$\left( \bigcup_{j=1}^{i} S_j \right) \cap F_1 = \emptyset$, and so on.
for the first chunk,
$\left( \bigcup_{j=1}^{i} S_j \right) \cap F_1 = \emptyset$, and so on.
Construction 2 with smaller universe but more chunks. Let $d = O(\ell\log \ell)$. We could again group $d$ into $O(\log\ell)$ blocks each with $O(\ell)$$\ell$ elements. Therefore, but chooseby choosing all the $O(\log \ell)$$O(\log\ell)$-subsets, we can generate any $\ell^{O(1)}$ sets, each of $\log\ell$$O(\log\ell)$ blocks with each(each block has $\ell$ elements). Sort these sets in reverse lexicographic order according to the block number, therefore we havethen for each $\log\ell$$S_{t+1}$ its predecessors can be decomposed into at most $O(\log\ell)$ chunks, each not covered some $\ell$ elements. Note that this works for any polynomial number of sets. However, but the number ofeach subset has now $O(\ell\log\ell)$ elements and there are $O(\log\ell)$ chunks fails the requirement.
Misc. CommentsGeneralization I have a feeling that the above constructions are not optimal, though they are certainly nontrivial. The reason is that for a fixedtradeoff involves three things: (1) size of the universe, (2) number of sets to generateelements in each set, intuitively it holds that as we permit more(3) number of chunks, we have. Let $k$ be another parameter which specify the sizenumber of thechunks so that we have disjoint forbidden setssubsets (measured by the fraction$F_1, \dots, F_k$ each of elements) should also go upsize at least $\beta \cdot \ell$ and we allow to have $k$ consecutive chunks where chunk $j$ intersecting $F_j$ is empty. HoweverA more generalized definition is as follows:
A $(d, m, n, k, a)$-design satisfies the following:
- The universe is $[d]$.
- There are $m$ sets in the design, $S_1, \dots, S_m \subseteq [d]$.
- $(\forall i \in [m])\ |S_i| = n$.
- For every $t+1 \in [m]$, there exist $k$ disjoint subsets of $S_{t+1}$: $F_1, \dots, F_k$ such that
- $|F_1|, |F_2|, \dots, |F_k| \ge a$.
- $S_1, \dots, S_t$ can be divided into $k$ consecutive chunks (a chunk can be empty), so that the intersection of chunk $j \in [k]$ and $F_j$ is empty.
In term of this definition, in our first construction, we have achieves $2$ chunks, each has half elements uncovered$(O(\ell^2), \ell^2, \ell, 2, \ell/2)$, whereas inand the second construction achieves $(O(\ell\log\ell), \ell^{O(1)}, O(\ell\log\ell), O(\log\ell), \ell)$.
General Question Suppose that we enforce $a = \ell$. Because forbidden sets are disjoint, the numberthus with a worst-case guarantee of chunks goes to $\log\log m$$k$ chunks, yetwe need each now only has aset to have $1/\log\log m$ fraction of uncovered$n \ge k\ell$ elements. Another signDo we have $(O(k\ell), \ell^k, k\ell, k, \ell)$ designs for all sufficiently large integer $k$? (note that the secondfor $k=O(\log\ell)$ construction is not optimal is that that setting of parameters simultaneously handle all2 works, but I want to ask for constant $\ell^{O(1)}$ sets$k$. Also, construction 1 can be used to give a $(O(\ell^2), \ell^k, k\ell, k, \ell)$.