Incidentally, for a ramified prime $p$ in $K$ with ramification indices $e_1,\dots,e_r$ and respective residue field degrees $d_1,\dots,d_r$, it's natural to ask if there might be an element of the Galois group of the Galois closure of $K/{\mathbf Q}$ whose permutation action on the ${\mathbf Q}$-conjugates of $\alpha$ is a product of disjoint cycles where there are $e_i$ cycles of length $d_i$ for all $i$. I have a copy of a letter Serre sent to Thomas Hawkins in 2000 which providesoutlines a method to give a counterexample where $[K:{\mathbf Q}] = 6$. So at leastThat means this naive attempt to extend the Galois group existence technique to ramified primes doesn't generally work.
Here is an explicit example: $K = {\mathbf Q}(a)$ where $a^6 - 35a^4 + 3a^2 - 225 = 0$. This field has degree 6 and Galois group $S_4$ over ${\mathbf Q}$. This Galois group acts on the roots in the way $S_4$ naturally permutes the 6 two-elements subsets of {1,2,3,4}: this is an embedding of $S_4$ into $A_6$, which will be important.
Using PARI, 3 factors in the integers of $K$ as $P^2Q$ where $P$ and $Q$ both have residue field degree 2. Now if there were a "corresponding" element of the Galois group of $K$ over ${\mathbf Q}$ as dreamed above, it would permute the 6 roots as a product of three disjoint 2-cycles. But alas, that is not an even permutation of the roots and I already said the Galois group is $S_4$ acting on the roots as a subgroup of $A_6$, so entirely by even permutations. Thus we have a contradiction so there is no such "dream automorphism" associated to 3 in the Galois group.
By the way, this degree 6 polynomial did not come out of nowhere: it is related to a 3-adic approximation of another polynomial, but that connection would take longer to describe than I wish to write about here, as this answer is already pretty long.