Here are a few simple answers to the question you asked:
Every class in $H_{n-1}(M;Z)$ for $M$ orientable is represented by a submanifold: choose a smooth map $f:M\to S^1$ representing the Poincare dual in $H^1(M;Z)=[M,S^1]$ and take the preimage of a point. In dimensions>2 it can be taken connected.
Similarly, every class in $H_{n-2}(M;Z)$ for $M$ orientable is represented by a submanifold: choose a smooth map $f:M\to CP^\infty$ representing the Poincare dual in $H^2(M;Z)=[M,CP^\infty]$, homotop $f$ into a finite skeleton, say $CP^N$, and take the preimage of $CP^{N-1}$.
Transversality says that if you can represent $x\in H_k(M)$ by a map of a smooth manifold (e.g. elements in the image of the HurewitzHurewicz map, or by Thom) , and $2k < n$, then you can represent it by an embedded submanifold (as Andy mentions above). For example, any class in $H_1(M)$ for $dim(M)\ge 3$. With care you can also make this work for $2k=n$, and there are techniques available in the "metastable" range (no triple points) involving generalizations of Whitney's trick and other ways to replace double points.