It seems to me that the stronger statement is true. If $f$ is only an isomorphism on homotopy in degrees $* \leq n$ then the homotopy fibre $F$ is $(n-1)$-connected and its Hurewicz mamap is an isomorhismisomorphism in degree $n$. Considering the Serre spectral sequence of the fibration seqeuence $F \to \widetilde{X} \to \widetilde{Y}$, and using the fact that it is emptyvanishes above the $n$th column, by (by the dimension restriction on $Y$,) it follows that there is a short exact sequence
$$H_n(F) \to H_n(\widetilde{X}) \to H_n(\widetilde{Y})$$
And $$0 \to H_n(F) \to H_n(\widetilde{X}) \to H_n(\widetilde{Y}) \to 0$$ and so the composition $\pi_n(F) \to H_n(F) \to H_n(\widetilde{X})$ is injective. But this factors through the map $\pi_n(F) \to \pi_n(\widetilde{X})$, which is trivial, and hence $\pi_n(F)=0$ too.