Charlie, it is funny answering this way but here it is.
The criterion you are thinking about is a criterion that is relative to an embedding. It says that if $X$ is a quasi-affine complex normal variety, whose associated analytic space $X^{an}$ is Stein, then $X$ is affine if (and only if) the algebra $\Gamma(X,\mathcal{O}_{X})$ is finitely generated. This is a theorem of Neeman.
You can reformulate the requirement of $X$ being quasi-affine as a separation of points property: for any point $x \in X$ consider the subset $S_{x} \subset X$ defined as the set of all points $y \in X$ such that all regular functions on $X$ have equal values at $x$ and $y$. Then by an old theorem of Goodman and Hartshorne $X$ is quasi-affine if $S_{x}$ is finite for all $x$. So you can say that $X$ is affine if it satisfies: 1) $X^{an}$ is Stein; 2) $S_{x}$ is finite for all $x \in X$; 3) $\Gamma(X,\mathcal{O}_{X})$ is finitely generated.