Ok. I have managed to convince myself that there are no other curves. Basically because the cohomology ring of $M$ is given by $$H^*(M;\mathbb{Z})=\mathbb{Z}[\alpha,\beta]/(\alpha^3,\beta^3,\alpha \beta, \alpha^2 + \beta^2),$$ where $\alpha$ and $\beta$ are the poincare duals of the corresponding $P^1$'s, and so if $u$ is a k-covered sphere in the class $2E$, with $k\geq 2$, and $A$ is the homology class of the underlying simple sphere, we can write $A=a PD\alpha + b PD\beta$ for some integers $a,b$ and so $$kA=2E=2PD \alpha$$ implies $b=0$, $a=1$ and $k=2$, so that $A=E$ and hence the underlying simple sphere is $E$ itself, by the uniqueness of spheres mentioned above. I.e $u$ is a degree 2 cover of $E$.
Now, I am still trying to convince myself of the much more basic fact that a degree 2 map is determined by its two multiplicity 2 branch points, up to reparametrizaton. I mean, if I have a map with branch points 0 and $\infty$ say, and other with two different ones, can I not find an automorphism of the sphere by which they differ, preserving branch pointsCan you ellaborate? Maybe this is obviously falseobvious and someone should slap me in the face...
Also, say I fixed my two branch points, 0 and $\infty$, and I look at the degree two maps with these as branch points. Then they are polynomials of the form $az^2+bz$. But I can precompose with automorphisms preserving $0$ and $\infty$ or swapping them around, i.e maps $z \mapsto \lambda z$ and $z \mapsto \gamma/z$, and so I get a 4 dimensional space of maps quotiented out by a 4 dimensional space of automorphims, i.e a 0 dimensional thingy (?). Hopefully this is how it works...
Btw, I dont know how tocant comment below you... sorry, for thatsome reason..