Indeed, this implies that the linear space spanned by $B_1,\dots,B_k$ is exact as an operator space, and there are non-exact operator spaces. Actually one can check that the converse holds: if $B_1,\dots,B_n$ span an exact operator space, then such a $P$ exists (Edit: see the end of this answer for a proof). For a reference, I suggest Pisier's book operators spaces, or the original paper
Another example is obtained using groups. Consider $G$ a group generated by a finite set $g_1,\dots,g_k$, and take $B_i=\lambda(g_i) \in B(\ell^2(G))$, the operator by left-translation by $g_i$. Assume furthermore that the $g_1$ is equal to the identity of $G$. Then $ex(span(B_1,\dots,B_k))=1$ if and only if the group $G$ is exact. And there are groups constructed by Gromov that are not exact, as proved by Ozawa in
As requested in the comments, let me show that such a $P$ exists if $B_1,\dots,B_n$ span an operator space $E$ with exactness constant $ex(E)=1$.
The tool is a lemma by Roger Smith (see Proposition 1.12 in Pisier's book) asserting that for a map $u$ from an operator space to $M_n(\mathbf C)$ the cb-norm of $u$ is equal to the supremum (denoted $\|u\|_n$ in general) of $\frac{ \|\sum_k a_k \otimes u(x_k)\|}{ \|\sum_k a_k \otimes x_k\|}$ over all $a_1,\dots,a_k \in M_n(\mathbf C)$.
First, it is easy to see that for every finite subset $F$ of $B(K)^k$ and each $\varepsilon>0$, there exists a finite dimensional projection $P$ such that
$$ \| L(X_1,\dots,X_k)\| \leq (1+\varepsilon) \| (P \otimes 1)L(X_1,\dots,X_k) (P \otimes 1)\| .$$
By the compactness of the unit ball of $M_n(\mathbf C)$, for every integer $n$ there exists a projection $P$ such that the preceding holds for all $X_1,\dots,X_n \in M_n(\mathbf C)$.
The problem is to have such a $P$ which does not depend on $n$, and this is where exactness is used: since $ex(E)=1$, there exists $n$, a subspace $F \subset M_n(\mathbf C)$ and a map $u \colon E \to F$ such that $\|u\|_{cb} \|u^{-1}\|_{cb} \leq 1+\varepsilon$. Let $P$ be projection as above for this value of $n$. If $u_P$ is the map sending $B_i$ to $P B_i P$, then I claim that $\|u_P^{-1}\|_{cb} \leq (1+\varepsilon)^2$, QED. Indeed:
$$ \|u_P^{-1}\|_{cb} \leq \|u^{-1}\|_{cb} \|u \circ u_P^{-1}\|_{cb} = \|u^{-1}\|_{cb} \|u \circ u_P^{-1}\|_{n} \leq \|u^{-1}\|_{cb} \|u\|_n \|u_P^{-1}\|_{cb} \leq (1+\varepsilon)^2.$$
The equality is Smith's lemma, and the last inequality comes from the choice of $P$.