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Amritanshu Prasad
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Jeff Adams has comprehensive notes on his website:

The irreducible characters of the groups SL(2), PGL(2), GL(2) and PSL(2) over finite fields are described.

The problem for PSL(2) was originally solved by Frobenius in his 1896 paper: Über Gruppencharaktere. It is the first article in Volume 3 of his collected works (Gesammelte AbhandunglesnAbhandunglen, Band III). On the last page of this article, I found the table:enter image description here

Jeff Adams has comprehensive notes on his website:

The irreducible characters of the groups SL(2), PGL(2), GL(2) and PSL(2) over finite fields are described.

The problem for PSL(2) was originally solved by Frobenius in his 1896 paper: Über Gruppencharaktere. It is the first article in Volume 3 of his collected works (Gesammelte Abhandunglesn, Band III). On the last page of this article, I found the table:enter image description here

Jeff Adams has comprehensive notes on his website:

The irreducible characters of the groups SL(2), PGL(2), GL(2) and PSL(2) over finite fields are described.

The problem for PSL(2) was originally solved by Frobenius in his 1896 paper: Über Gruppencharaktere. It is the first article in Volume 3 of his collected works (Gesammelte Abhandunglen, Band III). On the last page of this article, I found the table:enter image description here

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Amritanshu Prasad
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Jeff Adams has comprehensive notes on his website:

The irreducible characters of the groups SL(2), PGL(2), GL(2) and PSL(2) over finite fields are described.

The problem for PSL(2) was originally solved by Frobenius in his 1896 paper: Über Gruppencharaktere. It is the first article in Volume 3 of his collected works (Gesammelte Abhandunglesn, Band III). On the last page of this article, I found the table:enter image description here

Jeff Adams has comprehensive notes on his website:

The irreducible characters of the groups SL(2), PGL(2), GL(2) and PSL(2) over finite fields are described.

Jeff Adams has comprehensive notes on his website:

The irreducible characters of the groups SL(2), PGL(2), GL(2) and PSL(2) over finite fields are described.

The problem for PSL(2) was originally solved by Frobenius in his 1896 paper: Über Gruppencharaktere. It is the first article in Volume 3 of his collected works (Gesammelte Abhandunglesn, Band III). On the last page of this article, I found the table:enter image description here

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Amritanshu Prasad
  • 5.7k
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  • 54

Jeff Adams has comprehensive notes on his website:

The irreducible characters of the groups SL(2), PGL(2), GL(2) and PSL(2) over finite fields are described.