Here is another easy to state problem which is 140 years old but not very famous. Consider the potential of finitely many positive charges: $$u(x)=\sum_{j=1}^n\frac{a_j}{|x-x_j|},\quad x,x_j\in R^3,\quad a_j>0$$ How many equilibrium points can this potential have? Equilibrium points are solutions of $\nabla u(x)=0$.
First conjecture: it is always finite.
Second conjecture: when finite, it is at most $(n-1)^2$. This estimate is stated by Maxwell in his Treatease on Electricity and Magnetism, vol. I, section 113, as something known. The The editor (J. J. Thomson) wrote a footnote that he "could not find a source ofany place where this statement"result is proved".
Nobody can justifycould find this statementplace to this time. This is unknown even unknown in the simplest case when all $a_j=1$ and $n=3$.