It is well known that the only locally finite, translation-invariant Borel measure on an infinite-dimensional, separable Frechet space is the trivial measure. I am wondering about an analogous proposition for Frechet manifolds (e.g., the manifold of Lorentz metrics over a candidate spacetime manifold, a 4$4$-dimensional, Hausdorff, smooth manifold). Define the notion of "locally translation-invariant measure" as follows: fix a point p$p$ of the Frechet manifold, a chart (O, \phi)$(O, \phi)$ containing the point and a measurable neighborhood N$N$ of p$p$ contained in O;$O$; then any translation of N$N$ using the local Frechet linear structure that leaves N$N$ entirely in O$O$ preserves the measure of N$N$. Then
Then I think the following is likely true: There is no locally finite, locally translation-invariant Borel measure on an infinite-dimensional, separable Frechet manifold. The proof would use probably use the fact that every infinite-dimensional, separable Frechet manifold is isomorphic to an open subset of the infinite-dimensional, separable Hilbert space (on which there is, of course, no such measure). Is this result, or something close to it, or a counter-example, known?
Erik Curiel