What's the extension of definitionaljudgmental identity in HoTT (homotopy type theory)?
The Martin-Löf intensional dependent type theory with identity types is called (definitionally) extensional if the definitionaljudgmental (intensional) equality coincides with the propositional equality, i.e, $$ \frac{p:Id_A(x,y)}{x\equiv y} $$ For the name "extensional" makes sense, the definitionaljudgmental equality must be determined by the extension of the terms.
So what's the extension of $x \equiv y$? By the definition, it just seems that the extension are the proofs (hence $Id_A (x, y)$ is the extension of $x \equiv_A y$) and, in this case, it would not match with the extension of the relational symbol "equality" used in the internal language of categories where a relational symbol (or predicate) $\varphi$ would be a subobject of a type $A$ $$[\varphi] \hookrightarrow A$$ composed by the collection (not set, there's no set theory here) of terms such that the predicate is true $\{x : A; \varphi(x) \ \text{true} \}$ .
So, more generally, what's the extension of a predicate in Martin-Löf type theory?