The spectral sequence $E^1(C_\bullet)$ of homological type converges to $H_{p+q}(C)$ if it is bounded (=only finitely many non-zero entries on every fixed diagonal $p+q$). One has $$ > E^\infty_{p,q}=i(H_{p+q}(C_p))/i(H_{p+q}(C_{p-1})). > $$ $$ E^\infty_{p,q}=i(H_{p+q}(C_p))/i(H_{p+q}(C_{p-1})) .$$ ($i$ denotes the image in the colimit $H_{p+q}(C)$.)
Let $0=C_{-1}\subseteq C_0\subseteq\ldots C_p\subseteq\ldots =C$ be a filtration of a chain complex $C$. Take again for example the singular complex of a topological space $X$ filtered by a filtration of $X$. Understand the cohomology $H^n(C)$ of $C$ as $H_n(\hom(C,\mathbb{Z}))$, thehomologythe homology of the dualized complex as one does in topology.
The spectral sequence $E_1(C_\bullet)$ of cohomological type converges to $H^{p+q}(C)$ if it is bounded. One has $$ > E_\infty^{p,q}=ker(H^{p+q}(C)\to H^{p+q}(C_{p-1}))/ker(H^{p+q}(C)\to H^{p+q}(C_{p})). > $$ $$ E_\infty^{p,q}=ker(H^{p+q}(C)\to H^{p+q}(C_{p-1}))/ker(H^{p+q}(C)\to H^{p+q}(C_{p})) .$$