The quick answer is the covariant model structure on sSet/S is a one way to build an infinity-category of infinity-copresheaves on S, when S is an infinity-category. In fact, I don't understand why the covariant model structure is introduced first rather than the contravariant one- it is the later which is used to construct infinity-presheaves, which are of course important examples of infinity-topoi.
Let C be a category. We can, on one hand, consider the bicategory of weak functors C^op->Gpd, where the target is the bicategory of groupoids. On the other hand, we can consider categories fibred in groupoids over C, that is a functor D->C which is a Grothendieck fibration in groupoids. Both of these objects, weak presheaves and fibred categories respectively, naturally form bicategories.
Lurie proves the infinity-analogue of this statement. To do so, he needs to form an infinity category of "Grothendieck fibrations"fibrations in groupoids", and an infinity category of "infinity presheaves" and show they are equivalent.
The infintiy-version of Grothendieck fibration in groupoids is what Lurie calls a "right fibration". In particular, C->D is a Grothendieck fibration of categoriesin groupoids if and only if N(C)->N(D) is a right fibration. Also, the fibers of any right-fibration are Kan-complexes, hence, infinity groupoids.
Given a simplicial set S, the contravariant model structure on sSet/S is enriched in sSet_Quillen so we can form the associated full simplicial category on fibrant and cofibrant objects. An an object X->S is fibrant in this model structure if and only if it is a right-fibration. Hence, the homotopy-coherent nerve of this simplicial category is the infinity-category of "Grothendieck fibrations in infinity groupoids over S".