The infinite symmetric product and singular chains are both models of the free $\mathbb{Z}$-module spectrum on a space $X$, where $\mathbb{Z}$ is regarded as a ring spectrum, and "homotopy groups of the free $\mathbb{Z}$-module spectrum on $X$" is a model-independent definition of the (ordinary) homology groups of $X$.
- the $R$-module $R[X]$ of formal $R$-linear combinations of elements of $X$,
- the direct sum $\displaystyle \bigoplus_{x \in X} R$, or equivalently the colimit of the constant diagram $X \ni x \mapsto R \in \text{Mod}(R)$,
- the value on $X$ of the left adjoint to the forgetful functor $\text{Mod}(R) \to \text{Set}$ on $X$,
- the value on $X$ of the unique cocontinuous functor $\text{Set} \to \text{Mod}(R)$ sending $\text{pt}$ to $R$.
which is just a fancy way of saying that we can write
- the smash product $R \wedge \Sigma^{\infty}_{+} X$, where $\Sigma^{\infty}_{+} X$ is the suspension spectrum of $X$ with a disjoint basepoint,
- the homotopy / $(\infty, 1)$-colimit of the constant diagram $X \ni x \mapsto R \in \text{Mod}(R)$,
- the value on $X$ of the $(\infty, 1)$-left adjoint to the forgetful functor $\text{Mod}(R) \to \text{Space}$.,
- the value on $X$ of the unique homotopy cocontinuous functor $\text{Space} \to \text{Mod}(R)$ sending $\text{pt}$ to $R$.