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There exists a theorem--by Hausdorff--about extending subspace metrics, according to which:

Given a metric space $\ (X\ d),\ $ a closed subset $\ A\subseteq X,\ $ and a metrics $\ \rho_0\ $ in $\ A\ $ such that metrics $\ \rho_0\ $ and $\ d\,|\,A\times A\ $ are topologically equivalent (in $\ A$),  there exists a metrics $\ \rho\ $ in $\ X\ $ which is topologically equivalent to $\ d,\ $ and such that $\ \rho\,|\,A\times A = \rho_0$.

An especially elegant proof was obtained by Henryk Toruńczyk, "A short proof of Hausdorff ’s theorem on extending metrics""A short proof of Hausdorff’s theorem on extending metrics", Fund. Math. 77Fund. Math. 77 (1972), no. 2, 191–193. MR 47:9559.

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There exists a theorem--by Hausdorff--about extending subspace metrics, according to which:

Given a metric space $\ (X\ d),\ $ a closed subset $\ A\subseteq X,\ $ and a metrics $\ \rho_0\ $ in $\ A\ $ such that metrics $\ \rho_0\ $ and $\ d\,|\,A\times A\ $ are topologically equivalent (in $\ A$),  there exists a metrics $\ \rho\ $ in $\ X\ $ which is topologically equivalent to $\ d,\ $ and such that $\ \rho\,|\,A\times A = \rho_0$.

An especially elegant proof was obtained by Henryk Toruńczyk, "A short proof of Hausdorff ’s theorem on extending metrics", Fund. Math. 77 (1972), no. 2, 191–193. MR 47:9559.

(A search will provide you with more information).

There exists a theorem--by Hausdorff--about extending subspace metrics, according to which:

Given a metric space $\ (X\ d),\ $ a closed subset $\ A\subseteq X,\ $ and a metrics $\ \rho_0\ $ in $\ A\ $ such that metrics $\ \rho_0\ $ and $\ d\,|\,A\times A\ $ are topologically equivalent (in $\ A$),  there exists a metrics $\ \rho\ $ in $\ X\ $ which is topologically equivalent to $\ d,\ $ and such that $\ \rho\,|\,A\times A = \rho_0$.

An especially elegant proof was obtained by Henryk Toruńczyk, "A short proof of Hausdorff’s theorem on extending metrics", Fund. Math. 77 (1972), no. 2, 191–193. MR 47:9559.

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Reference to Toruńczyk's paper
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There exists a theorem--by Hausdorff--about extending subspace metrics, according to which:

Given a metric space $\ (X\ d),\ $ a closed subset $\ A\subseteq X,\ $ and a metrics $\ \rho_0\ $ in $\ A\ $ such that metrics $\ \rho_0\ $ and $\ d\,|\,A\times A\ $ are topologically equivalent (in $\ A$),  there exists a metrics $\ \rho\ $ in $\ X\ $ which is topologically equivalent to $\ d,\ $ and such that $\ \rho\,|\,A\times A = \rho_0$.

An especially elegant proof was obtained by Henryk Toruńczyk, "A short proof of Hausdorff ’s theorem on extending metrics", Fund. Math. 77 (1972), no. 2, 191–193. MR 47:9559.

(A search will provide you with more information).

There exists a theorem--by Hausdorff--about extending subspace metrics, according to which:

Given a metric space $\ (X\ d),\ $ a closed subset $\ A\subseteq X,\ $ and a metrics $\ \rho_0\ $ in $\ A\ $ such that metrics $\ \rho_0\ $ and $\ d\,|\,A\times A\ $ are topologically equivalent (in $\ A$),  there exists a metrics $\ \rho\ $ in $\ X\ $ which is topologically equivalent to $\ d,\ $ and such that $\ \rho\,|\,A\times A = \rho_0$.

An especially elegant proof was obtained by Henryk Toruńczyk.

(A search will provide you with more information).

There exists a theorem--by Hausdorff--about extending subspace metrics, according to which:

Given a metric space $\ (X\ d),\ $ a closed subset $\ A\subseteq X,\ $ and a metrics $\ \rho_0\ $ in $\ A\ $ such that metrics $\ \rho_0\ $ and $\ d\,|\,A\times A\ $ are topologically equivalent (in $\ A$),  there exists a metrics $\ \rho\ $ in $\ X\ $ which is topologically equivalent to $\ d,\ $ and such that $\ \rho\,|\,A\times A = \rho_0$.

An especially elegant proof was obtained by Henryk Toruńczyk, "A short proof of Hausdorff ’s theorem on extending metrics", Fund. Math. 77 (1972), no. 2, 191–193. MR 47:9559.

(A search will provide you with more information).

exact reference, not "perhaps".
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There exists a theorem (I think that it is--by Hausdorff theorem?) about--about extending subspace metrics, according to which:

Given a metric space $\ (X\ d),\ $ a closed subset $\ A\subseteq X,\ $ and a metrics $\ \rho_0\ $ in $\ A\ $ such that metrics $\ \rho_0\ $ and $\ d\,|\,A\times A\ $ are topologically equivalent (in $\ A$),  there exists a metrics $\ \rho\ $ in $\ X\ $ which is topologically equivalent to $\ d,\ $ and such that $\ \rho\,|\,A\times A = \rho_0$.

An especially elegant proof was obtained by Henryk Toruńczyk.

(A search will provide you with more information).

There exists a theorem (I think that it is Hausdorff theorem?) about extending subspace metrics, according to which:

Given a metric space $\ (X\ d),\ $ a closed subset $\ A\subseteq X,\ $ and a metrics $\ \rho_0\ $ in $\ A\ $ such that metrics $\ \rho_0\ $ and $\ d\,|\,A\times A\ $ are topologically equivalent (in $\ A$),  there exists a metrics $\ \rho\ $ in $\ X\ $ which is topologically equivalent to $\ d,\ $ and such that $\ \rho\,|\,A\times A = \rho_0$.

An especially elegant proof was obtained by Henryk Toruńczyk.

There exists a theorem--by Hausdorff--about extending subspace metrics, according to which:

Given a metric space $\ (X\ d),\ $ a closed subset $\ A\subseteq X,\ $ and a metrics $\ \rho_0\ $ in $\ A\ $ such that metrics $\ \rho_0\ $ and $\ d\,|\,A\times A\ $ are topologically equivalent (in $\ A$),  there exists a metrics $\ \rho\ $ in $\ X\ $ which is topologically equivalent to $\ d,\ $ and such that $\ \rho\,|\,A\times A = \rho_0$.

An especially elegant proof was obtained by Henryk Toruńczyk.

(A search will provide you with more information).

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