Take a look at the papers "Über Normtopologien in linearen Räumen" (Link to the article) as well as "Über vollständige Normtopologien in linearen Räumen" (Link to the article) by D. Laugwitz.
He proves the following. Let $E$ be a vector space, denote by $a(E)$ the cardinality of a Hamel basis of $E$ and denote by $n(E)$ the number of mutually non-equivalent norms on $E$. Then
$$n(E) = 2^{a(E)}, \quad\text{if}~\mathfrak{c}\leq a(E),$$ $$ \mathfrak{c}\leq 2^{a(E)} \leq n(E) \leq 2^{\mathfrak{c}}, \quad\text{if}~\aleph_0\leq a(E)<\mathfrak{c},$$
and (of course)
$$ n(E) = 1 \quad\text{if}~1\leq a(E) \leq \aleph_0.$$$$ n(E) = 1 \quad\text{if}~1\leq a(E) < \aleph_0.$$
Here $\aleph_0$ denotes the cardinality of countable sets and $\mathfrak{c}$ the cardinality of the continuum. In the second article you can find the answer for complete norms.