Fix a $B < \infty$$L < \infty$. How small can the infimum be, as a function of $m$, of the difference $|\alpha - \beta|$ of a pair of distinct roots of an integer polynomial of degree $m$ having Mahler measurelength bounded by $B$$L$?
My guess was that this difference cannot get smaller than $O_B(1/m)$$O_L(1/m)$, but I was wrong that this follows from an effective equidistribution theorem. I do not know about any literature on this question. I only needed this with $\beta = \zeta_n$ a root of unity of order $n \asymp m$, but the available lower bounds on $|\alpha^n - 1|$ do not seem to be of any help for this. If my hope that $|\alpha - \beta| > c(B)/m$$|\alpha - \beta| > c(L)/m$ were correct, the subexponential bound would follow by the argument left below.