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Vesselin Dimitrov
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Fix a $B < \infty$$L < \infty$. How small can the infimum be, as a function of $m$, of the difference $|\alpha - \beta|$ of a pair of distinct roots of an integer polynomial of degree $m$ having Mahler measurelength bounded by $B$$L$?

My guess was that this difference cannot get smaller than $O_B(1/m)$$O_L(1/m)$, but I was wrong that this follows from an effective equidistribution theorem. I do not know about any literature on this question. I only needed this with $\beta = \zeta_n$ a root of unity of order $n \asymp m$, but the available lower bounds on $|\alpha^n - 1|$ do not seem to be of any help for this. If my hope that $|\alpha - \beta| > c(B)/m$$|\alpha - \beta| > c(L)/m$ were correct, the subexponential bound would follow by the argument left below.

Fix a $B < \infty$. How small can the infimum be, as a function of $m$, of the difference $|\alpha - \beta|$ of a pair of distinct roots of an integer polynomial of degree $m$ having Mahler measure bounded by $B$?

My guess was that this difference cannot get smaller than $O_B(1/m)$, but I was wrong that this follows from an effective equidistribution theorem. I do not know about any literature on this question. I only needed this with $\beta = \zeta_n$ a root of unity of order $n \asymp m$, but the available lower bounds on $|\alpha^n - 1|$ do not seem to be of any help for this. If my hope that $|\alpha - \beta| > c(B)/m$ were correct, the subexponential bound would follow by the argument left below.

Fix a $L < \infty$. How small can the infimum be, as a function of $m$, of the difference $|\alpha - \beta|$ of a pair of distinct roots of an integer polynomial of degree $m$ having length bounded by $L$?

My guess was that this difference cannot get smaller than $O_L(1/m)$, but I was wrong that this follows from an effective equidistribution theorem. I do not know about any literature on this question. I only needed this with $\beta = \zeta_n$ a root of unity of order $n \asymp m$, but the available lower bounds on $|\alpha^n - 1|$ do not seem to be of any help for this. If my hope that $|\alpha - \beta| > c(L)/m$ were correct, the subexponential bound would follow by the argument left below.

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Vesselin Dimitrov
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  • it has a Lipschitz constant bounded by $10n/C$;
  • it is bounded in magnitude by $\log{(n/C)}$$10\log{(n/C)}$ in $D(n,C)$, and by a constant independent of $n$ in $\mathbb{C} \setminus K$;
  • its Laplacian is bounded in magnitude by $10(n/C)^2$ in $D(n,C)$ and by a constant independent of $n$ in $\mathbb{C} \setminus K$.
  • it has a Lipschitz constant bounded by $10n/C$;
  • it is bounded in magnitude by $\log{(n/C)}$ in $D(n,C)$, and by a constant independent of $n$ in $\mathbb{C} \setminus K$;
  • its Laplacian is bounded in magnitude by $10(n/C)^2$ in $D(n,C)$ and by a constant independent of $n$ in $\mathbb{C} \setminus K$.
  • it has a Lipschitz constant bounded by $10n/C$;
  • it is bounded in magnitude by $10\log{(n/C)}$ in $D(n,C)$, and by a constant independent of $n$ in $\mathbb{C} \setminus K$;
  • its Laplacian is bounded in magnitude by $10(n/C)^2$ in $D(n,C)$ and by a constant independent of $n$ in $\mathbb{C} \setminus K$.
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Vesselin Dimitrov
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To prove our bound we will needThe following is a variant of the quantitative equidistribution theorem of Favre and Rivera-Letelier. The following variant is stated on page, taken from page 3 of this paper (On totally real numbers and equidistribution) by Fili and Miner: . The only modification I make to the statement below is is that the polynomial $P$ is not required to be irreducible,irreducible; but irreducibility is irrelevant in such statements.

I had thought this had the following as consequence. It certainly holds for $\delta$ bounded away from zero, but my intended application had to have $\delta$ as small as $O(1/m)$; then, as Terry Tao points out in the comments, the first term on the right-hand side of the estimate in the above theorem, involving the Lipschitz constant, destroys all hope, as Terry Tao noted in the comments. (TheThe Laplacian under the integral poses no problem on the other hand, but I had overlooked the Lipschitz constant.)

To prove our bound we will need the quantitative equidistribution theorem of Favre and Rivera-Letelier. The following variant is stated on page 3 of this paper (On totally real numbers and equidistribution) by Fili and Miner: . The only modification I make to the statement below is that the polynomial $P$ is not required to be irreducible, but irreducibility is irrelevant in such statements.

I had thought this had the following as consequence. It certainly holds for $\delta$ bounded away from zero, but my intended application had to have $\delta$ as small as $O(1/m)$; then, as Terry Tao points out in the comments, the first term on the right-hand side of the estimate in the above theorem, involving the Lipschitz constant, destroys all hope. (The Laplacian under the integral poses no problem on the other hand, but I had overlooked the Lipschitz constant.)

The following is a variant of the quantitative equidistribution theorem of Favre and Rivera-Letelier, taken from page 3 of this paper (On totally real numbers and equidistribution) by Fili and Miner: . The only modification I make to the statement is that the polynomial $P$ is not required to be irreducible; but irreducibility is irrelevant in such statements.

I had thought this had the following as consequence. It certainly holds for $\delta$ bounded away from zero, but my intended application had to have $\delta$ as small as $O(1/m)$; then the first term on the right-hand side of the estimate destroys all hope, as Terry Tao noted in the comments. The Laplacian under the integral poses no problem, but I had overlooked the Lipschitz constant.

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Vesselin Dimitrov
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Post Undeleted by Vesselin Dimitrov
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Post Deleted by Vesselin Dimitrov
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Vesselin Dimitrov
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Vesselin Dimitrov
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