Constructing smooth manifolds of loop spaces.Constructing smooth manifolds of loop spaces, Proc. London Math. Soc. canonical page99 (2009) pp195–216 (doi:10.1112/plms/pdn058, arXiv:math/0612096). The point of this is to figure out exactly when the "standard method" (alluded to by Tim) works. The distinction between "loop" and "path" is irrelevant.
The Smooth Structure of the Space of Piecewise-Smooth LoopsThe Smooth Structure of the Space of Piecewise-Smooth Loops, Glasgow Mathematical Journal, 59(1)59 (2017) pp27-59. (arXiv:0803.0611, doi:10.1017/S0017089516000033). Why you should be very, very nervous whenever anyone says "consider piecewise-smooth maps"; and take as a cautionary tale as to the inadvisability of going beyond smooth maps in general.
Work of David Roberts on the nLab. This is where I got the 2-idea that I mentioned above.
Other relevant nLab pages:, and further.
Of course, the magnificent book by Kriegl and Michor. (I'm going to create a separate MO account for that book; its role will be to post an answer on relevant questions simply saying "Read Me".)